Pippa Middleton kicks off 5,560 mile challenge

THERE are loads of prizes on offer for skiers and snowboarders who take part in a #Ski2Paralymics challenge launched by Pippa Middleton, patron of Disability Snowsport UK (DSUK), to help raise funds for the charity.

Participants are being asked to help clock up a combined total of 5,560 mile on the slopes. This is the distance from London to PyeongChang, the venue for the next Paralympics next year and the challenge will help those taking part. Crystal Ski, which is supporting DSUK with the challenge, has already donated £77,000 and this was presented to the charity at the recent launch in London.

The 2018 Paralympics will take place in PyeongChang in South Korea between 9-18 March 2018. A team of Paralympic ski and snowboard athletes will be representing Great Britain and all of them are supported by Disability Snowsport

Fiona Young, Disability Snowsport UK’s CEO said: “As we can’t all be in PyeongChang to cheer on our Paralympic athletes we’ve decided to partner with Crystal Ski Holidays to create the #Ski2Paralympics Challenge.”

Pippa Middleton added: “It is clear to me that the work of DSUK changes and enhances people’s lives. Their adaptive snowsports programs create opportunities and inspire disabled people through snowsports.”

To enjoy this challenge, donate £5 to DSUK on the #Ski2Paralympics JustGiving page and then share your mileage as often as you can on the DSUK Facebook event page bit.ly/Facebookski2paralympics by taking a screenshot of the distance travelled from the Crystal Ski Explorer app  https://www.crystalski.co.uk/crystal-ski-explorer-app/  or any other tracking devise.

DSUK will be recording the distance travelled and keep everyone updated on our progress. Miles can be skied, snow-shoed or snowboarded in the UK or abroad.

To enter, participants are asked to donate £5 to Disability Snowsport UK via JustGiving bit.ly/ski2paralympics https://www.justgiving.com/campaigns/charity/disabilitysnowsportuk/skitopyeongchang 

Everyone who enters will automatically enter a prize draw and could win one of a selection of prizes, kindly donated by sponsors. For example, one lucky winner will get an overnight stay at the 5 star Hotel d’Angleterre in Geneva courtesy of Red Carnation hotels, a pair of skis, helmet, ski bag, goggles, gloves and a selection of DSUK goodies.

For further information, please contact DSUK Fundraising on 01479 861272 or log onto Disability Snowsport UK Facebook page bit.ly/DSUKFacebook https://www.facebook.com/DisabilitySnowsportUK/  

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